Bitcoin (BTC) for Earth Haven - Embracing and Testing out BTC with a Vision

Before reading this blog, take into consideration this blog does NOT cover every and all dimensions of Earth Haven, please do not assume, rather ask and find out. Thank you.

When I started Earth Haven back in 2016 with the vision of setting up Eco villages all across the world, part of that vision was to then create a new economic system that functions (as a start) between all the Eco villages independent to a degree from the current system. Thus creating/starting an example of a Micro Equal Money System in action.  

With this vision (probably nothing new) we would have to basically create a new global country (or global community), you know, where you have an actual ID/Passport being an Earth Haven citizen, something like that, within it's constitution and laws (constitution: ). So you would not be an American, Or a person from Norway, or Canada, or China, you would be a citizen of Earth Haven. Or dual Citizenship, we will see how it works, or can work.

The point of this is not to separate ourselves from the world that exists here, or to create more separation, it is actually a correction, a shift from the current system to live as an EXAMPLE what all should be living and could be living, and because it is a global "country" we are creating within the principles of what is best for all life, we can grow and replace the current system over time.

This is all still only an IDEA/VISION and a possibility to push for, to aim for. There are a lot of dimensions involved within this. Of course all of us currently here at Earth Haven do not have all the answers to how to do all of this YET, but it is in our vision to do this, try this, create this.

We are right now in the process of looking for new LAND, that is the start, LAND (we are visiting a large piece of land on the 4th of August), then establishing the new Earth Haven on the land, building our village, building the first community within our constitution as our principles. In the meantime we need PEOPLE that see Earth Haven's constitution and that want to live by it as what is best for all in the physical, establishing that through already supporting us, joining our online community and becoming part of this movement. You can watch the video from our FIRST Earth Haven Project we had in South Africa(Video:, which now ended due to circumstances there and our safety, so we have to start all over again, to see and get an idea of what we are doing and going to be doing a LOT more of and better.

We want our country to be backed up by LIFE value, thus what we are living as who we are within our communities. Imagine our FIRST new Earth Haven community being established, it has sustainable electricity, food, water and where 75% of the land is preserved for nature/life/animals, we have humans living on the property dedicated to support and assist others as themselves, do courses, work the land, create NEW businesses and work that is based in expression and living/practicality, we have centers for entertainment, community gatherings, high tech facilities, our own research and scientific facilities, publishing facilities and our own media production facilities, educational facilities and programs that is based on the Natural Learning ability, where Parents and their children are interactive, living and learning together, a new world on one piece of land, while equal and one interact and commute and communicate and live with the system that is here, supporting others to see a NEW way, a real tangible living example, not just in money being taken care of, but a life style that is best for all.

This also does not mean the whole world must and will ever be able to join such communities and live in such communities, these communities and thus this one global new country/system will be an example for what the world can embrace through changing the current system to the Earth Haven model that is being lived and shown and proven to work. Thus change for all.

Community example layout.

Now, Image two such villages, then three, then 10 all across the world, All interconnected and functioning as it's own economic system with it's own citizens? that can be pretty amazing. Everything backed up by physical living, resources and people, the value of LIFE as the physical as expression.

NOW to be clear, it is still a long way away, as we stand we need a lot more support to do anything substantial, we are currently growing and moving according to what we have, like anything in life. Thus the more people that join and support, the more we can do, the faster we can move.

Everything in life is a DREAM until it is not, can we change the world? can we start with one piece of land and make an example of it? I strongly say yes, Because I LIVED in such a community for 11 years, I have touched the reality and possibilities of this for 11 years of my life, it can seem a fantasy or dream for many, but not me, and for me it starts right here ONLINE with us already getting together, creating the online community and then reflect it as a manifestation in the physical.

To not digress any further, I am now getting into the point more of accepting contributions for Earth Haven through BTC, and for this blog I will leave you with the Earth Haven BTC wallet address and a QR scan, I hope you see the future with me that is right HERE, and contribute if you can. Let us start testing the Cryptocurrency point now and see how it can evolve, be used and contribute to something great.

If you want to permanently become a member, join us on Patreon with a Monthly contribution, until we have our own website up again with our own membership TIERS there to join, we have to use what is here and work with it. Becoming a member, you can be a leader in a certain area of what we are creating, and once the time is right, take a leading point on it as our community.

Our BTC is currently at 0. Maybe you can be the fist to add something in there.

To join our online community and be part of this full time, go to Patreon and get some awesome benefits/services  under a TIER of your choice:


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