Earth Haven - Founder Update Gian

Gian Robberts - Co-Founder (2016-2020)

Earth Haven update from Gian.

Good day, Today I am sharing with you an update regarding Earth Haven, where we are, what we are doing right now, and what our next move is. I hope you take the time to read this update, get engaged, and see the possibilities with me.

We currently have 71 Active Earth Haven members on our Patreon page. This means we have 71 people contributing on a monthly bases through a pledge to Earth Haven. Supporting Earth Haven's Vision and Mission. Yet, what is more important is the constitution that everyone stand by to make the Vision and Mission possible.

We have a goal of reaching 200 people, walking with us, supporting us and pushing with us our Vision and Mission. Why 200 people? we are looking not only to GROW and enhance our own community online, and eventually offline in our actual community we are working towards and developing for the purpose of sustainable living and developing a real live Equal Money System Pilot Project, but we also need the specific financial support to achieve anything significant, and the more support the faster we can  move forward. Thus 200 people pledging at least 10 to 30 dollars a Month will bring us much closer to a sustainable and reliable goal of moving forward.

We have in recent Months introduced NEW tiers on our Patreon page, from individuals who have amazing gifts to give to our members, which is an initiative in itself to create JOBS, Employment and at the same time supporting jobs of the future, jobs that matter to us and that are important to a new world we want to see and create.  We will give more and more people such opportunities as we see success.

Here are the new TIERS of members giving back to those that pledge under their Tier supporting the individuals and the greater movement of Earth Haven.

What Leila and Gabriel is offering you is something very personal, very unique, that support you on an individual level within your life, a support and a gift at the same time. With you placing your Pledge under either one of their TIERS with Earth Haven, you are supporting yourself, another person and their work, and a project that will be like no other in this world.

Here are the Link to take a look at all our TIERS and where you will find these two unique TIERS under the Membership Level.

Earth Haven Project Update

What does it take to start a Pilot project for a micro Equal Money System? I can tell you now, it takes a LOT, not only because so much work has to be put into planning the project itself, but because of LIFE always moving and changing around us simultaneously. We have been through a LOT, we had to leave our Earth Haven project in South Africa just over a year ago, where we had everything, the land, the infrastructure, the people and the environment, due to safety reasons and the conditions of South Africa and where we lived. 

Then we had to get JOBS, change our country and the language we know and lived around from English to Spanish, now in Panama Central America, we had to get use to a completely different culture and way of living around us, we had to realize what it means to earn and live with US Dollars, and where what do for Money is far from what we want to do, yet doing our jobs and creating what we want to do, thus Earth Haven restarting from scratch.

Then we had the CORONA-VIRUS hitting the world and everything that goes with that. We had to see people losing jobs, the economy tumbling here and there, people keeping their heads above water, and even in our own house one person lost a job, thus effecting our monthly income and living. We had some of the heaviest quarantine measures in the world here in Panama, curfews that were ridiculous and still continuing as I write this, but a bit more loose.

Many of our efforts to fully immigrate and getting all our things set up were stopped, we did not fully get our drivers licenses, we did not all get our permanent residence cards, we have not yet set up our new companies and all our bank accounts, everything shut down with the covid-19 pandemic here in Panama, so we are now able to slowly get back to it, yet not knowing what is coming next.

This has motivated us to focus on what we can do at home, which is starting our NEW Earth Haven website, which is a lot of work and we are still on it, starting new business ventures such as mentioned above, as we realized, we can not just sit and wait. I personally took a lot of time where available after my JOB hours, to work on the new design for the Micro Equal Money System Project and how we can create a concept to present online.

Equal Money System concept ART Below (all still in progress)

Figure 1: The EYE design, as Above so below, as Online so in the Physical. Thus we need to succeed Online to create a sound community, support structure for all involved, There is a Video on Patreon for Members ONLY explaining this concept, not yet the final designs, as we got feedback and we are fine-tuning it. So if you join us, you can watch this video and join in the creation process.

Figure 2: This is to show we are not here to CHANGE the world, we are here to INFLUENCE the world, be the example of what we want to see, we are not here to FORCE our way into the world, but here to share and live our way, thus fusing with the world as our example. If possible where we can, we will go political, be a think tank for a new system support what is here to that which is best for all. Do we have all the answers? NO!! no one does, we are here to create our FIRST Earth Haven community, to LEARN, to actually have real feedback and adjust and change as we need to within our living constitution and to stand by that till we have solutions that is best for all life.

How Far are we to get our FIRST new LAND?

We have big news, we are in the process already of searching and looking for land, we have our first prospecting land that we will be looking at possibly on the 4th of August 2020.I will share with you the land we are looking at, this is very exciting and I will have Video and Photo updates on the land after we visit it with our lawyer and the Agent, this will be for Patreon members only, and members only will be able to participate and give input.

This is the land we are look at. It is an 86 acre piece of land, which is quit big, for a very good price. Like really good. As you know, we want to create an online and real actual Earth Haven community in the physical, doing our projects and bringing people together, do courses, visits, building a small village of our own to be a living example, and if you are a member of Earth Haven, you open up all these amazing opportunities for yourself if you participate and am willing, being part of something amazing. Now, do not rush into fantasy world,this will still take a lot of time, the more support we have, the stronger our online community is, the faster and better everything can work. thus we ask people to start pledging now, support now, walk with already now.

Picture of New Land we are looking at

You will see, the RED line is the property size we are looking at, the GREEN block there is the OLD land-farm size we had in South Africa, this piece of new land is about 5 times bigger. If this one does not work out, we will keep looking. What we can look for and get, depends a lot on our support base, and thus we are pushing for the 200 members we mentioned above.

Here is the DRONE footage of the First Earth Haven Project we had going in South-Africa, so you can see the size in the video and compare it to this size. And a good reminder of what we are pushing for and MORE this time, starting over.

I am going to personally end off this update from me Gian with asking each person who reads this, please join us if you can, support us, and with all our new TIERS and ones to come, you will benefit already, not to mention once we have our new land and community developing, a lot more will open up for so many people. Considering what the world is going through, we will NEED to start creating our own systems, our own support structures and for this reason, I see more of the NEED for Earth Haven than ever. And perhaps many Earth Haven globally, but first lets succeed together with one.

If you are already pledging, if you can up it from 1$ to 5$ please do so. If you are reading this and are not a member due to financial stress, perhaps you have 1$, become part of our network, to more people we have with us, the more becomes possible for all. Read our Constitution here:

Thank you very much for Everyone's support, contribution and amazing characters we have here all standing together. Take care, be safe and as always, keep breathing.



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