Earth Haven - Founder Update Gian

Gian Robberts - Co-Founder (2016-2020) Earth Haven update from Gian. Good day, Today I am sharing with you an update regarding Earth Haven, where we are, what we are doing right now, and what our next move is. I hope you take the time to read this update, get engaged, and see the possibilities with me. We currently have 71 Active Earth Haven members on our Patreon page. This means we have 71 people contributing on a monthly bases through a pledge to Earth Haven. Supporting Earth Haven's Vision and Mission. Yet, what is more important is the constitution that everyone stand by to make the Vision and Mission possible. We have a goal of reaching 200 people, walking with us, supporting us and pushing with us our Vision and Mission. Why 200 people? we are looking not only to GROW and enhance our own community online, and eventually offline in our actual community we are working towards and developing for the purpose of sustainable living and developing a real live Equal Money System Pil...