Earth as we know it has a time limit 2050 - Earth Haven

Read this article - Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Pledge to Earth Haven here - 

Welcome  to Earth Haven. 
Earth Haven is a new innovative movement online to make  a BIG impact on this world, where the many unite as one and to within  this make a Monthly Pledge. All the money is put into one big pot for  which the funds will then be used accordingly. Patreon allows everything  to be open and Visible, Earth Haven will be focusing on buying land  and setting up self-sustainable communities all around the world, Earth  Haven will purchase land such as forests, savanna, beaches name them  all, to protect them, Earth Haven will create teams to do specific tasks  to enrich the environment and the world. Together we can become a  Millionaire, individually we are poor and cannot make an impact that  actually matters within the scale of the world and what is required.  

Follow this link to see more. -  - become a Patron and get your own tree. Support LIFE, this isn't your  Ordinary usual movement you see for "change" or with changing coming in  the future. This is happening right now. You can see it, you are making  it so by supporting Earth Haven.


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