Earth Haven - People Fundraising the Future for themselves and others

Earth Haven Fundraising

Setting up self-sustainable communities anywhere in the world. By the people funding the Future.

All that is needed is for YOU to either want to set up your own community or join one. Get people to see that YOU want to do this. Ask them to make a Pledge on Patreon. Explain the process of the Mission and the Vision.

Let people understand that, instead of one person saving up money for a life time to create a self-sustainable community that supports the environment and other people. We can fund raise it collectively. All the money in one big pot.
The more people that join and support with a Pledge. The more and faster we can move.
This is simple mathematics. Nothing is complicated within getting this moving. The learning process takes time, but we learn as we go along, real time.

For example. Say you want to live a life that is with nature, away from the city and all the consumerism, but you have no way out. You are stuck in a day in and day out job. You earn just enough for daily living and some extras. There is no possible way of saving up or gathering money to buy land, to set it up, to create it into an environment that is best for everyone and in support of LIFE.

What can you do? It is a losing situation. But as we know, not everyone has a dream of leaving the city, some people enjoy it. So, why not Join Earth Haven, understanding that, if you Join Earth Haven and you SAY, I want to join a community that is set up in the future, or I want to set up a community in the future that others can join - You start gathering ALL your friends and Family to support Earth Haven to collect the funds to make this possible for YOU and others. All they have to do, each one, is pledge 5$ (R70) a month, or more, depends on how much they want to support you with. and so, if You gather TEN people supporting Earth Haven, that is a total of 50$ already that will be a monthly pledge going to YOUR future Earth Haven (self-sustainable community) and so, if Each and every person that wants to either set up a community or simply Join one, gets 10 or 20 people to sign up with Earth Haven, we are now gathering money much faster than by ourselves, to one at a time, set up these communities, buying land, setting up the infrastructures, learning the processes, and developing the land and ourselves to that of support for those to join and the earth.
For those that do not want to Create or Join an Earth haven, will support Earth Haven by making a monthly pledge because they understand the benefits of self-sustainable living in today's consumerism setup and what support is needed for the earth and all inhabitants of the earth.

Remember, ANY amount that anyone can pledge to Earth Haven within its Mission and Vision is adding to everyone cause, for either creating a community or joining a community. Ultimately the benefit such communities bring to LIFE.

No matter where you are within the world. Know that through Earth Haven, through thousands funding each project by contributing a little bit, we can do this effectively and efficiently. After the FIRST Earth Haven is complete, all funds will go to the next one, and so we continue.

Thus, if you truly want to set up your own community that others cna join, or just to join a community once it is set up. Be practical , be realistic with how much money Earth Haven needs to collect per month to make it all happen, and so MOVE accordingly by doing your part to get the people you know to Support YOU, Earth, the future, self-sustainability by adding a monthly Pledge to Earth Haven.

Thus in a simple example of this can move forward effectively.
If 10 people wants to create their own Earth Havens through Earth havens funding, and 200 people simply want to join a community once it is set up. that means, 210 people needs to become passionate to support EACHOTHER to make this come to life, through each one getting at least 20 people in their lives to pledge to Earth Haven, so you will have 210 people times 20 which equals (let’s say each person pledges 30$ (1 dollar a day)) that is 126000$ per month. With that, we can do this easily. Saving suddenly is easy, to set up 10 Earth Havens that will support 210 passionate people that will create, live and maintain the Earth Havens and living a self-sustainable life, plus obviously, a whole different LIFE style that is in support of life, by giving as you have received.

Thus, if you truly want to set up your own community that others can join, or just to join a community once it is set up. Be practical , be realistic with how much money Earth Haven needs to collect per month to make it all happen, and so MOVE accordingly by doing your part to get the people you know to Support YOU, Earth, the future, self-sustainability by adding a monthly Pledge to Earth Haven. Click on the donate Button to go to the website where all this is taking place.


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