Hunting and killing animals, A True Activists Perspective – Earth Haven Foundation

Chapter 1 – the illusion of an activist To be clear - this article is focused on the general hunting in reserves of wildlife, not the typical petty hunting for sports with only the intention of sports such as the fox hunting, or bird shootings for sport. Within this Article I hope to show people a different side to the problems we face here on earth, of which hunting is one of the problems. When I say hunting is one of the problems I am not saying hunting in itself is the problem. Hunting simply exposes the bigger problem we as humanity face here on earth. It definitely leads back to an economic problem, in others words the system that is here is the problem. To truly have an impact within this article and to get the points across that I have to share on the topic of hunting, I am going to share a bit of myself and my personal journey throughout my life here in South Africa and what I have encountered within the hunting industry and personal...