Earth Haven’s – See the Bigger Picture in a Picture

 This is a Scale example of what is possible for all Future earth havens.

See the picture for more context 

According to researchers done, to live a sustainable life per person, each person must have at least about 7500 square feet of land that is usable. This space is per person, but as the people increase the amount of land also decreases, same as when we buy for two people or for 20, going bulk makes things a bit cheaper/less if we are doing it sustainable and not within the consumption mind set.

Thus for 20 Families to live and be self-sustainable on 150 Ha including homes, food etc. a Total of 60Ha is required.

All earth Havens will be attempted to be bought and built in areas in need, so that once the Earth Haven within the area is up and running, what is created within the Earth Haven will naturally spread to those in need, and even in time as the Earth Haven mature, expand and include those in need into the community. 

All Earth Havens will expand as money comes in, to become bigger and include more and more people and give more and more back to nature. As to empower the human within his actual role as a custodian of earth and to practically live that. 

The Village is a Total of 7 Hectare, this will be the space where everyone will be living, thus houses and creative/entertainment areas/centers, and all required buildings to make a good life possible, including educational setups for children who live on Earth Havens with their parents. They will have the option (preferred) to do Unschooling or home-schooling. The Style of living will change as we are implementing a sustainable living, not the traditional way where everyone is living far apart with walls in-between each other or massive patches of gardens and grass, everyone will have an entire farm together, the land to explore and live on, and so no need to take vast pieces of land to live on. Each Family, or single person, will have a house that is practical and spacious, perhaps two houses in one with a couple of houses a few stories up, connecting them all with bridges and walkways. We can be creative and see how effective and efficient we can use the land and yet remain practical. Take into consideration, The Land Earth Havens will be built on will not be a perfect clean and clear land from the get go, the idea is we purchase land that NEEDS to be rehabilitated and given back to the earth, to be set up and used within harmony with nature and life. So even if 20 Families are the consideration, if less or more is possible, then that will be done. 

10Ha will be for producing vegetables – ALL and any sorts of vegetables we can grow for a health diet within controlled environments, to not have to use any pesticides or chemicals, simply control the environment the vegetables are growing it with Greenhouses, and obviously the type of systems that are used to grow the vegetables within. which will be greenhouses to reduce any disease and sicknesses of the vegetables, such as Hydroponics, Aquaponics and soil growing, where we can implement technology such as the latest thing the FarmBot, to reduce water usage and to use water effectively, and yet have healthy and good vegetables on a consistent basis for consumption. The research and evidence has already been done where people are growing effectively tons of food a year in small areas, it is all about how we do this and to do it right. Labor is a thing of the past, and technology within a self-sustainable community is the future, we must use it. Any and all vegetables that are too much for consumption will be given to people that are in need on a weekly basis while it is fresh and good quality, we will deliberately over grow to give. These Green houses will also have a business side to them to supply the nearby towns or cities with 100% organic vegetables, and to have a different stream of income to support the growth of that community within the principles of an Earth haven. Thus benefiting ALL and everyone’s lives with healthy food.

10Ha will be for an Orchard – This area will also be controlled as to not to use any pesticides, to not harm the environment and yet have enough to feed a village all year round, here we are also looking at building many and separate greenhouses, they will be big and out of glass, to literally create a different climate and atmosphere for where each specific fruit can flourish within to have fruit all year round, and to be protected no matter what country the specific Earth Haven is within. Any and all Fruit that are too much for consumption will be given to people that are in need on a weekly basis while it is fresh and good quality, we will deliberately over grow to give. Thus on a 10Ha piece of land for fruits/nuts etc. there will be dozens of greenhouses, each with approximately 20 to 30 fruit trees in them. These Green houses will also have a business side to them to supply the nearby towns or cities with 100% organic fruit, and to have a different stream of income to support the growth of that community. Thus benefiting ALL and everyone’s lives with healthy food. And Cheap.

10Ha for Rehabilitation of Animal – This is a space that will be given to animals from the cities and towns that has been through the abuse from the system and left to suffer, Each and every Earth Haven will take in any animal within the given space to give a new life to the animals, from abuse to living. May it be birds, horses, donkeys, raccoons, dogs, cats, name them all, each Earth Haven will set up their 10Ha of land to fit the need of their location for the required animals. 

25Ha for Farm Animals – This space will be for farm animals, for the chickens, the goats, the cows, the pigs etc. to roam free within the space, of course within such space only a certain amount of grazing will be possible and thus according to that amount of land and to what farm animals the specific earth haven wants to keep will be calculated and thus applied. This Space of land serves the purpose of Organic meat for those that eat meat. Only the old Animals will be used for meat and thus any meat eater will be reducing their meat intake and rather eat more fruits and vegetables, Yet farm animals such as sheep, goats, cows and chickens with whom the people living on the Earth Haven’s will create a good relationship with, will have other nutrients/resources to share with the human, such as milk, to make cheese, and eggs from the chickens or materials such as wool from the sheep or feathers from the ducks, The relationships change as the life styles change of both the human and the animal. 

8Ha for wood/forestry – Wood is very important, for winters, fires and building, to plan out an area for growing specific wood to use for specific things within the size of the community is a very practical and cool thing to do, as to not take from nature the trees that provide homes for the animals, and to keep it at a minimum level to not abuse the land and the trees through over consuming. To learn how to use what is here practically and effectively, and to step out of the mentality of, I can waste and just buy it again, to actually develop a relationship with the process of life and how things actually work and thus improving our skills and understanding to actually start being aware, and thus care. Although all Buildings will be built out of Strong materials – such as bricks that can last hundreds of years. Wooden buildings aren’t very sustainable, the pyramids still stand and so does old castles, bricks and stone rule. Wood will be used as a fuel or for small creations such as desks, cupboard etc. Here also a Small Business can be created to have another income steam from the Earth Haven for the purpose of paying taxes and the expansion and growth of the property. 

50Ha for Wild Life Only – This piece of land will either already be wild, or it will be a previous agricultural land or a waste land or it will simply be dead land – Which then will be transformed through hard work, and reintroducing plant life and natural systems into the environment, which will over time attract all the usual bugs and birds and lizards  and small animals that once used to live there and roam there, and thus giving food, a home and security to nature, each Earth Haven and according to the location of the earth haven will obviously have to do research and see what is natural and how did it use to be there and to them implement such systems to bring nature back ad balance out life. This will also be something really cool, as nature and humans will have an opportunity to redesign the relationships that has been here for thousands of years, which has always been in separation, as nature versus man, where it now will be nature and man knowing each other, caring for each other, we must not only bring back nature, but we must include ourselves to make the relationship something it has never been before, where animals do not fear the human. Certain wild animals can also be introduced that cannot find their way in, that used to live and grow in the certain areas. These 50Ha pieces of land will have walkways and paths through it for the people within the village to travel through and visit and check up on their neighbors in nature, to intervene if there is a sickness or trouble, to take care of nature and to also not accept and allow suffering there. 

Each Earth Haven Will be running a volunteer program for those that want to take a year off of school or from college or just to get some life experience, to come and work on the Earth Haven for a few months or a year, for which the Volunteers will pay as to support the cause as they are supporting themselves. 

Our First Earth Haven is already here – it is but only 7Ha big, and not yet self-sustainable – this is where it starts. 150ha is the preferred size, but we can for our first earth havens do small ones, all over till we have the necessary support for thousands of people supporting Earth haven to get this first one done and then grow even more and more, and so we redesign Life like a cure cancer, spread everywhere. Through the people by the people. 

Support earth Haven, The Future, become a Guardian of earth and make your Pledge today for this Global project for LIFE, for nature, for the Humans, for animals. keep posted with all the coming blogs and vlogs. ANY and all pledges help, may it be 5 dollars or 100000 dollars a month, do not judge your amount, be counted in, in being a person that voted and acted for change. 

If a Million people read this blog and said YES lets do this, and a Million people each pledged monthly 5 dollars, we could do 12 earth Havens a Year. now ask yourself, why hasn't Billionaires and Millionaires even thought about this and done this? they have the money? - We can not wait for rich people to care and do something, we are the salt of the earth, thus we must scrape our power together and do it ourselves in spite of everything.  go and google how much a 150Ha farm costs in dollars, and then see what you can achieve easily with 5 million a month, but lets start with whats here, you and your contribution and so each one that contributes adds up, till we are Billionaires together and can move as one for change. 

This is showing you it is possible. We can do this. Together. If you read to all the way here, the  Click here to make your Pledge today --> HERE

Thank you. 


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