Earth Haven’s – See the Bigger Picture in a Picture

This is a Scale example of what is possible for all Future earth havens. See the picture for more context According to researchers done, to live a sustainable life per person, each person must have at least about 7500 square feet of land that is usable. This space is per person, but as the people increase the amount of land also decreases, same as when we buy for two people or for 20, going bulk makes things a bit cheaper/less if we are doing it sustainable and not within the consumption mind set. Thus for 20 Families to live and be self-sustainable on 150 Ha including homes, food etc. a Total of 60Ha is required. All earth Havens will be attempted to be bought and built in areas in need, so that once the Earth Haven within the area is up and running, what is created within the Earth Haven will naturally spread to those in need, and even in time as the Earth Haven mature, expand and include those in need into the community. All Earth ...